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p50 CHANEL Authentic Classic Double Flap 10" Chain Shoulder Bag Black Lambskin

p50 CHANEL Authentic Classic Double Flap 10" Chain Shoulder Bag Black Lambskin Quilted Leather Medium

We are happy to present you this popular Chanel shoulder bag. Overall in EXCELLENT pre-owned condition and comes with a full set. Please do not miss it!

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Please let us explain about our authentic CHANEL bags. It is said that CHANEL bags used in Japan are in better condition than the ones in other countries. These bags were bought from reliable dealer's market.

For the most valued customer like you, we DO every effort to keep bags in its best condition as follows:

Care of the leather:

You know that almost of our bags are very old and vintage. The leather of some bags looks like getting tired. We are cleaning bags by using exclusive creams, dedicated leather soaps of Europe and a clean cloth made by lamb so that the leather of the bag is made into luxuriousand vivid. Thus, this bag could continue to glitter by your side with every need and scenes. Please note that we never repair or repaint the bag because of that applying paint to leather means to take the vital spirit of all. Once repainted, the bag repels cream and starts cracking.

Clean and protect:
Are you concerned about some owner have touched used bags? Who has brought bags to where? We can not grasp that information because we buy bags from dealer's market. But you need not make yourself uneasy at all because of buying from us. We disinfectand deodorant for all of the bags by using a suitable and safe ozone generator for a short period of time in order to make you ease and comfortable when you receive. And after that, our professional staff inspects the gorgeous bag to every nook and corner visually. Finally, bags will wait for you to click "Buy it now" after we carry it in the moisture/sunlight-proof managed bag dedicated stockroom.

About us:
We are a second-hand dealer licensed by Japan National Public Safety Commission. To prevent fraud, Japanese government requires all second-hand dealers to have the license. We are the member of the dealer's market where only authentic bagscan be sold.

We've sold over 1600 authentic CHANEL bagson eBay in 10 YEARS. Many customers have received gorgeous bags from us. Are they happy with the bag? Please refer to some feedback:

+ "Exactly as described 100% authentic a pleasure to work with!" - Buyer: as

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